Monitoring X-ray Beams with Highest Precision
The A4 Diamond XBPM Monitor is developed for high-precision X-ray beam diagnostics. It is used at experimental beam lines of Synchrotron Light Sources for beam position and beam intensity monitoring. The high transparency and the phantastic spatial resolution makes it perfectly suited as monitor for soft as well as hard X-ray beams.
The XANDY AX108 readout system completes the A4 Diamond XBPM Monitor to a ready-to-use diagnostics system at Synchrotron Light Sources. Its dedicated XBPM Application provides real-time diagnostics of the beam position and intensity at high analogue bandwidth. A controller for the horizontal and vertical X-ray beam position is provided with two 16-bit DAC outputs.
The XANDY AX108 readout system completes the A4 Diamond XBPM Monitor to a ready-to-use diagnostics system at Synchrotron Light Sources. Its dedicated XBPM Application provides real-time diagnostics of the beam position and intensity at high analogue bandwidth. A controller for the horizontal and vertical X-ray beam position is provided with two 16-bit DAC outputs.

The A4 is available as remotely controlled X-Ray Beam Position Monitoring System including XANDY
with integrated power supply and GUI, for feedback loops of beam position controls.
with integrated power supply and GUI, for feedback loops of beam position controls.
Detector type:
Diamond XBPM Detector
Sensor thickness:
20 μm | 50 μm
90% Transmission:
5.8 keV | 7.8 keV X-rays
Position resolution:
10-3 of the X-ray beam size
Amplifiers (4 channels):
pA ... mA, embedded in XANDY
The A4 Diamond XBPM Monitor can be provided with application specific designs:
- Full XBPM Monitoring System including XANDY AX108 with integrated wide-range amplifiers and bias voltage supplies for the XBPM detector. An API for the integration into any control system is included.

The A4 Diamond XBPM Monitor can be adapted to the specific needs of the experimental beam line. The standard Diamond XBPM Monitor covers the X-ray intensity range from 106 to 1016 photons/s and can be adapted for higher intensities.
The response of a 20 μm XBPM detector as function of beam intensity and energy is shown in the Figure together with the switch amplifier stages. The Amplifiers are configured to optimally protect the μ-gap® of the XBPM during operation.
The response of a 20 μm XBPM detector as function of beam intensity and energy is shown in the Figure together with the switch amplifier stages. The Amplifiers are configured to optimally protect the μ-gap® of the XBPM during operation.

A4 Diamond XBPM Monitor
XBPM at Diamond Light Source Ltd.
The Diamond XBPM detector was developed in cooperation with the Diamond Light Source Ltd., Oxford/UK, with the goal to provide a precision instrument with high X-ray transmission. Several CIVIDEC Diamond XBPM are in use at experimental beam lines of DLS.
Applications of single-crystal CVD diamond XBPM detectors with nanometre x-ray beams
E. Griesmayer, P. Kavrigin, C. Weiss, and S. Kalbfleisch, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2054, 060052, 2019
The Use of single-crystal CVD Diamond as a Position sensitive X-Ray Detector
E. Griesmayer, C. Bloomer, P. Kavrigin, C. Weiss, Proceedings of IBIC2016, Barcelona, Spain, MOPG14, 71-74, 2016
ISBN 978-3-95450-177-9