Products / Neutron Diagnostics / Diamond DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor
Product enquiries:
The Fast-Neutron Counter
The Diamond DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor is designed for neutron flux monitoring in fusion reactor applications, where Deuterium-Tritium Fusion is providing 14 MeV neutrons. The Cx-L Spectroscopic Amplifier allows the installation of a coaxial cable between detector and amplifier for the operation in high-radiation environments.

The A3 is available as remotely controlled Fast-Neutron Monitoring System including ROSY®
with integrated power supply and GUI, for real-time neutron spectroscopy in fusion reactors.
with integrated power supply and GUI, for real-time neutron spectroscopy in fusion reactors.
Detector type:
Fast-Neutron Diamond Detector for DT-Neutrons
Active volume:
4 mm x 4 mm x 0.5 mm
Neutron energies:
> 6 MeV
Neutron detection efficiency:
Energy resolution:
20 keV FWHM
The A3 Diamond DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor can be provided with alternative detector designs and as self-standing monitoring system:
- Slim detectors with Ø12 mm for the insertion into confined spaces.
- Temperature resistant detectors up to 500 K.
- Vacuum compatible detectors up to UHV.
- ROSY® Readout System with integrated power supplies for detector and amplifier.
- Remotely controlled Neutron Spectroscopy Application for real-time neutron beam monitoring.

The A3 Diamond DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor is especially suited for DT-Fusion Plasma applications, where the 12C(n,α)9Be reaction is used to measure the neutron flux in real time.
The spectrum of 14 MeV neutrons recorded with the DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor, using the Cx-L Spectroscopic Amplifier is shown in the Figure.
The characteristic structures of the detector response function can clearly be distinguished from each other. The separated peak of 12C(n,α)9Be is used for neutron flux monitoring in 14 MeV neutron beams.
The spectrum of 14 MeV neutrons recorded with the DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor, using the Cx-L Spectroscopic Amplifier is shown in the Figure.
The characteristic structures of the detector response function can clearly be distinguished from each other. The separated peak of 12C(n,α)9Be is used for neutron flux monitoring in 14 MeV neutron beams.

A3 Diamond DT-Fusion Neutron Monitor
Diamond Matrix Detector for ITER-RNC
CIVIDEC has developed the Diamond Matrix Detector for the ITER Radial Neutron Camera (RNC). The prototype, containing 12 sCVD crystals of 50 μm thickness, was successfully tested and validated by F4E. The final detectors will be equipped with 30 sCVD crystals, interconnected as two detector channels. The Diamond Matrix Detectors will measure the spectrum and flux of 2.45 MeV and 14 MeV neutrons from DD- and DT-fusion in the ITER plasma, giving information on the temperature and spatial distribution of the fusion plasma.
Fusion product diagnostics based on commercially available chemical vapor deposition diamond detector in large helical device
K. Ogawa, et al., Jinst, 18, P01022, 2023
Selective data analysis for diamond detectors in neutron fields
C. Weiss, et al., EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, 03004, 2017
The 13C(n,α0)10Be cross section at 14.3 MeV and 17 MeV neutron energy
P. Kavrigin, et al., EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, 11036, 2017
Ionization Signals from Diamond Detectors in Fast-Neutron Fields
C. Weiss, et al., Eur. Phys. J. A., 52, 269, 2016
13C(n,α0)10Be Cross Section Measurement with sCVD Diamond Detector
P. Kavrigin, et al., Eur. Phys. J. A, 52, 179, 2016
A CVD Diamond Detector for (n,α) Cross-Section Measurements
C. Weiss, PhD Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Faculty of Physics, 2014
A new CVD Diamond Mosaic-Detector for (n,α) Cross-Section Measurements at the n_TOF Experiment at CERN
C. Weiss, et al., NIMA, 732, 190-194, 2013
Response of CVD Diamond Detectors to 14 MeV Neutrons
C. Weiss, et al., CERN-ATS-Note-2012-093 TECH, 2012