High-Precision Spectroscopy,
integrated Bias-Tee
integrated Bias-Tee
The Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier is an ultra low-noise charge amplifier with a shaping output stage and an integrated Bias-Tee. With an equivalent noise charge of 300 electrons and a Gaussian pulse shape with FWHM = 180 ns, it is optimized for high-resolution spectroscopic applications.

Charge amplifier with shaper
12 mV/fC
Pulse shape:
Gaussian signal with 180 ns FWHM
ENC noise:
300 + 30/pF electrons

The Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier has a Gaussian output signal with 180 ns FWHM. With an intrinsically low baseline noise of 300 electrons it allows high-resolution particle spectroscopy, in particular for high particle rates up to 1 MHz.
The width of the Gaussian output signal can be customized to 1.2 μs FWHM for the readout with a conventional multi channel analyzer.
The width of the Gaussian output signal can be customized to 1.2 μs FWHM for the readout with a conventional multi channel analyzer.
The Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier is an unipolar charge amplifier. It is inverting and is operated with negative input and positive output signal polarity.
The excellent linearity of the amplifier over the full output range of +2 V is demonstrated in the Figure. The electronic calibration of the amplifier shows a gain of 12 mV/fC.
The excellent linearity of the amplifier over the full output range of +2 V is demonstrated in the Figure. The electronic calibration of the amplifier shows a gain of 12 mV/fC.

The Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier is designed for high-precision particle spectroscopy with diamond detectors. The amplifier is optimized for the low capacitance of diamond detectors. It is sensitive to the capacitive input load. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is decreasing with increasing input capacitance.
For measurements with high capacitive input load, e.g. when measuring with a cable between detector and amplifier, we recommend using our Cx-L Spectroscopic Amplifier.
For measurements with high capacitive input load, e.g. when measuring with a cable between detector and amplifier, we recommend using our Cx-L Spectroscopic Amplifier.

Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier
High-Precision Alpha Spectroscopy with Diamond Detectors
G. Senft, Bachelor Thesis TU Wien, 2017
A new CVD Diamond Mosaic-Detector for (n,α) Cross-Section Measurements at the n_TOF Experiment at CERN
C. Weiss, et al., NIMA, 732, 190-194, 2013