Products / Customized Solutions / Application Specific Developments
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Apart from our standard products, we design and develop application specific solutions for our costumers. These can be new detector designs which match geometrical constraints, analogue electronic solutions to match application specific detector responses and adapted readout solutions. Here we give an insight to some of our developments.

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The Diamond Matrix Detector was developed for the ITER Radial Neutron Camera. The picture shows the successfully tested prototype detector, containing 12 sCVD crystals of 50 μm thickness. The final detector will be equipped with 30 sCVD crystals, interconnected as two detector channels.
The Diamond Matrix Detector will measure the spectrum and flux of 2.45 MeV and 14 MeV neutrons from DD- and DT-fusion in the ITER plasma, giving information on the temperature and spatial distribution of the fusion plasma.
The Cryogenic Diamond Beam Loss Detector (Cryo-DBLM) was developed as a beam instrumentation device for the Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN, Geneva/Switzerland. The detector allows to detect very low bunch-by-bunch particle losses in the accelerator, which enhances the machine protection.
The Cryo-DBLM is installed inside the cold mass of the LHC, placed directly in the core of quadrupole magnets, close to the beam pipes and is operated at cryogenic temperatures of 10 Kelvin in vacuum.
Reference: CERN-THESIS-2013-232

Two Diamond Strip Detectors were developed for the CERN LINAC4 accelerator. The detectors are part of the LINAC4 Laser Profile and Emittance Meter, where they measure H0 particles after they were separated from the main 160 MeV/c H- beam.
The diamond strip detector is composed of two polycrystalline sensors, each having 28 channels with a pitch of 0.34 mm. Here, the detector with 32 strips over 10 mm is shown.
The diamond strip detector is composed of two polycrystalline sensors, each having 28 channels with a pitch of 0.34 mm. Here, the detector with 32 strips over 10 mm is shown.
A Diamond Micro-Dosimeter was developed for the measurement of the linear energy deposition distribution in the clinical carbon beam therapy field. The active area of the dosimeter is 250 μm x 50 μm. The thickness of is 50 μm.
First results showing the suitability of the diamond-based dosimeter as clinical dosimeter are presented at the international conference of ion beam analysis and particle induced X-ray emission IBA&PIXE2023 ( by T. Matsumoto.
First results showing the suitability of the diamond-based dosimeter as clinical dosimeter are presented at the international conference of ion beam analysis and particle induced X-ray emission IBA&PIXE2023 ( by T. Matsumoto.

For the measurement of low-energy beams, a customized 50 μm thick Diamond Knopf Detector was developed. The sCVD diamond sensor has a customized electrode geometry and is highly transparent. The open design of the detector allows low-energy particles to enter the sensor without energy loss.
The customized Diamond Knopf Detector is UHV vacuum compatible. The signal connector is radiation hard and the detector completely EMI tight. The outer dimensions are 11 mm x 11 mm. This ultra-compact design allows the installation of the detector in confined spaces.
The customized Diamond Knopf Detector is UHV vacuum compatible. The signal connector is radiation hard and the detector completely EMI tight. The outer dimensions are 11 mm x 11 mm. This ultra-compact design allows the installation of the detector in confined spaces.