The Heavy-Ion Spectroscope
The A5 Diamond Spectrometer is designed for high-precision spectroscopy of heavy ions. It is used for research in radiochemistry, nuclear medicine and heavy ion physics. The Diamond Spectrometer is a robust spectroscopy tool which can be used in hot environments as well as in vacuum applications.
The system provides an energy resolution of 20 keV FWHM, intrinsically matched to the spectroscopic properties of diamond detectors. Energy straggling of the heavy ions is kept to a minimum by the dedicated technology.
The system provides an energy resolution of 20 keV FWHM, intrinsically matched to the spectroscopic properties of diamond detectors. Energy straggling of the heavy ions is kept to a minimum by the dedicated technology.

The A5 is available as remotely controlled Spectroscopic System including ROSY®
with integrated power supply and GUI, for real-time heavy-ion identification.
with integrated power supply and GUI, for real-time heavy-ion identification.
Detector type:
B3 Spectroscopic Diamond Detector
Measurement aperture:
10 mm2
Dynamic range:
20 MeV deposited energy in the sensor
Spectrocopic Shaping Amplifier:
180 ns FWHM Gaussian signal
Energy resolution:
20 keV FWHM
The A5 Diamond Spectrometer can be provided with application specific designs:
- Open-Design Diamond Detector for non-collimated spectroscopy.
- Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier with Gaussian output signal of 1.2 μs FWHM, for measurements with a conventional multi-channel analyser (MCA).
- Full Diamond Spectrometer System including ROSY® with Spectroscopy Application for real-time particle spectroscopy.
- Full Diamond Spectrometer System including ROSY® with Spectroscopy Application and integrated HV and LV power supply for detector and amplifier, as autonomous laboratory system for particle spectroscopy.

The deposited energy spectrum by α-particles from 238Pu, recorded with the A5 Diamond Spectrometer and the ROSY® Real-Time Spectroscopy Application is shown in the Figure.
The excellent energy resolution of the system allows resolving the two different α-particle energies, which are separated by only 40 keV.
The excellent energy resolution of the system allows resolving the two different α-particle energies, which are separated by only 40 keV.
The very low noise level of the included Cx Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifier allows very small trigger levels. This makes it feasible to record the full Landau distribution of Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIP) with excellent signal to noise separation.
The presented measurement in the Figure was performed with the A5 Diamond Spectrometer and the ROSY® Spectroscopy Application at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) Accelerator in a Telescope experimental setup. The Landau distribution is well separated from the electronic noise.
The presented measurement in the Figure was performed with the A5 Diamond Spectrometer and the ROSY® Spectroscopy Application at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) Accelerator in a Telescope experimental setup. The Landau distribution is well separated from the electronic noise.


A5 Diamond Spectrometer
Spectroscopy at CERN
The Diamond Spectrometer was developed for the n_TOF facility at CERN for the spectroscopy of nuclear reaction products.
High-Precision Alpha Spectroscopy with Diamond Detectors
G. Senft, Bachelor Thesis TU Wien, 2017
The (n,α) Reaction in the s-Process Branching Point 59Ni
C. Weiss, et al., Nuclear Data Sheets, 120, 208-210, 2014
A new CVD Diamond Mosaic-Detector for (n,α) Cross-Section Measurements at the n_TOF Experiment at CERN
C. Weiss, et al., NIMA, 732, 190-194, 2013
High-Resolution Energy and Intensity Measurements with CVD Diamond at REX-ISOLDE
E. Griesmayer, et al., CERN-BE-Note-2009-028, 2009